Mental Health
Researchers at the University of Ottawa have begun a study of work-related suicide among Canadian workers. Many of us in the injured worker community have met workers who have contemplated taking their own lives or know people who have done so. The…
Ontario Divisional Court overturns WSIAT, allows injured worker to sue
Jan Morningstar was a hotel cleaner in Niagara Falls. She successfully overcame uterine cancer but was left with one of the symptoms, an unusual odour. She was relentlessly teased and harassed by her co-workers and management did little or nothing to assist…
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Research Project on Injured Workers in Thunder Bay and District Looking to Speak to Service Providers
A workers’ compensation experience study is looking to speak to those who provide services to injured and ill workers in Thunder Bay and District. A few weeks ago we posted about a new research study looking at the mental health needs of…
Thunder Bay injured workers’ needs study
Have you been hurt at work and been involved in the WSIB claim application process?
Lakehead University Psychology and Health Sciences researchers Drs. Deborah Scharf and Anna Koné are looking for individuals who would be interested in sharing their experience in an…
Research project on impact of physical distancing seeks survey participants
A new research study is being launched focusing on the mental health consequences of physical distancing among low-income Ontario residents during the COVID-19 crisis. The researchers (McMaster University and University of Western Ontario) seek participants willing to complete an online survey.
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IWC supports Toronto’s first International Black Mental Health Day
On March 2, 2020 Toronto held its first Black International Mental Health Day (BMHD) with a series of events illuminating the need for systemic change to address the detrimental impact of everyday racism on the mental health of the region’s black population.…
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News roundup
On Thursday Injured worker activist Maryam Nazemi was one of eight awarded the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship . A long-time advocate for full workers’ compensation coverage , Maryam was recognized for turning “a personal workplace tragedy into a driving force for…
WSIB denies mental stress in shocking decision
Injured Worker Margery Wardle, who was the face of a recent legal challenge that led to changes in the legislation that expanded workers’ compensation entitlement for chronic stress disabilities, was featured in the Toronto Star again.
The WSIB recently made a shocking…
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Internal audit reveals extraordinarily high rate of denial of chronic mental stress claims
“Workers’ compensation board denies over 90 per cent of chronic mental stress claims, audit shows” / Sara Mojtehedzadeh (Toronto Star, Dec. 4, 2018). Since the Bill 127 amendment to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act came into force, Ontario’s workers’ compensation board…
Provincial inquiry needed to look into OPP suicides
Retired OPP officer and injured worker advocate Bruce Kruger is calling on the government of Ontario to hold a public inquiry. In the wake of three recent suicides by Ontario Provincial Police members suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, the OPP Commissioner…
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