Recent documents are in both PDF and html formats but all may be available in alternate formats on request.
TB&DIWSG media release: Meredith Act
Announcement of a media conference in Thunder Bay on the release of the Meredith Act, proposed legislation to replace the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act.
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TBIWSG media release: Premier Ford announces $2.5 billion WSIB rebate to business
For those forced into poverty by work-related injury or illness, the government’s announcement that WSIB, instead of restoring decades of cutsto injured workers, are simply handing 2.5 billion dollars to employers is shocking…
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ONIWG: Scrap the age cap on workers’ compensation benefits for older injured workers
ONIWG press release calls out age discrimination in Ontario’s workers’ compensation legislation that gives injured or ill workers access to LOE benefits only until age 65 or for a maximum of two years if they experience injury or illness at age 63 or older.
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ONIWG media release: A serious Halloween – 110 years of workers’ compensation law
On October 31st, while our children and grandchildren trick or treat, injured and ill workers will be remembering Chief Justice William Meredith’s report to the Ontario Legislature that created our workers’ compensation system. He set up a system that was humanitarian and supportive to injured and ill workers. Today they experience a very different system, […]
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ONIWG demands openness & fairness in consultation process that proposes sweeping changes
ONIWG demands changes to the undemocratic consultation process for gathering feedback on changes recommended by KMPG’s value for money audit of the dispute resolution and appeals system. The Group argues that not only is the timeframe unreasonably short, but thousands of injured workers have been left in the dark and so excluded from the consultation.
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Media release: ONIWG seeks fair cost-of-living adjustment for injured workers
Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups (ONIWG) is challenging the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board’s (WSIB) unreasonable calculation of the annual cost-of-living adjustment for 2022…
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Thunder Bay injured workers: Media advisory – International Day of Persons with Disabilities
On December 3rd, annual observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Thunder Bay & District Injured Workers Support Group will be holding a virtual media conference and hosting a gathering to share our stories, update the community of our activities to support injured and disabled workers and their families to secure their […]
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ONIWG: WSIB providing a financial bonanza to employers while injured workers continue to get short-changed
On June 6 the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board announced another financial handout to employers while underpaying thousands of injured workers by misapplying the law on cost-of-living adjustments and failing to increase wage-loss benefits to 90%.
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ONIWG: WSIB short-changes injured workers with 2022 cost-of-living adjustment
Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups (ONIWG) calls on Premier Ford to to meet with ONIWG and to instruct the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) to properly apply the law and WSIB policy in determining the annual cost-of-living adjustment…
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Injured workers demand immediate change in province wide day of action
On the 38th annual Injured Workers Day frustrated injured workers have come together and drafted a message to the Government of Ontario, which will also be posted on MPP office doors across the province on June 1st …..
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