Fair workers’ compensation for victims of occupational disease (and lessons learned in fighting for it) was just one of the topics addressed at last week’s annual general meeting and conference of the Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups. The OFL/ONIWG joint conference opened with a special preview of the new Widows of Asbestos documentary (“Town of Widows”) about the Peterborough General Electric workers, followed by workshops on other major issues confronting injured workers: workplace mental health injury ; attitudinal barriers and discrimination faced by workers with disabilities.
Other key events included a presentation by Steven Bittle (University of Ottawa) on his study Underreporting Work-Related Deaths in Canada , the government’s recently announced 2019 WSIB operational review and an update on the Workers’ Comp Is a Right Campaign. Participants also supported legal aid clinics in their fightback against the cuts, as expressed in a ONIWG’s letter of June 18 to the Attorney General.
The 2019/2020 ONIWG Executive elected at the AGM:
President – Janet Paterson
Secretary – Jo-Ann Hearns
Treasurer – Bob Larocque
Regional VPs:
Northeast: Marjorie Wardle
Central: Kim Prince
Toronto: Sharon Folkes-Hall
Peel: Catherine Fenech
Southwest: Willy Noiles
Northwest: TBA
Head Office:
127 Ravenwood Avenue
Thunder Bay, ON P7B4H7