We hope you’ll join us next week for the annual Vigil (Monday at 4 p.m.) organized by the Women of Inspiration and Injured Workers’ Day (Tuesday at 11 a.m.) organized by the Workers’ Comp Is A Right campaign (WCIAR). June 1st marks the date of a significant victory in 1983, when we forced the government to recognize injured workers and their advocates as key participants in working for systemic and positive change to Ontario’s workers’ compensation system.
But as the Vigil signals, too many who have suffered work-related injury or disease still go sleepless. There is much work yet to do before they see the “full justice, no half-measures” urged by Sir William Meredith when he set out the principles still stated to be the basis for Canadian workers’ compensation.
Injured Workers’ Day & the Vigil are important events for solidarity and organizing to keep the focus of those in power on key concerns that need to be addressed – and to continue proposing law reform solutions driven by the evidence of injured workers’ actual experiences with the workers’ compensation system.
Once again, because of COVID-19, these will be virtual events:
Injured Workers Vigil
Monday, May 31st, 2021 @4pm
Zoom link: https://tinyurl.com/vigilevent
Meeting ID: 896 8804 6596
Injured Workers Day
June 1st, 2021, 11am-12:30pm
Please register here: https://tinyurl.com/registerjune1st
Share the event on Facebook by using the link below:
Take action on June 1st – make sure injured workers are #InjuredWorkersForgottenNoMore!
For further information or any questions, please contact workerscompisaright@gmail.com
Australia will also be celebrating their June 1 Injured Workers’ Day, with a livestreamed event. See https://www.facebook.com/injuredworkersday for details.