ONIWG is a provincial voice for workers who have been injured or made ill on the job. We have first-hand experience of the WCB/WSIB system, know it needs improvement and take united action to make this happen. A democratically governed organization, ONIWG has been representing workers since 1991. Find out more and connect during our 2024 Justice for Injured Workers Tour.
Our 18 member groups have strong community roots, working closely with other local groups and agencies to advance the interests of injured workers. These include labour councils and labour unions, and legal clinics who provide advice and support. We also work with the local Office of the Worker Advisor, our Members of Provincial Parliament, and in municipal governments.
Despite no longer receiving provincial funding, ONIWG continues to lobby and raise public awareness (see current Workers’ Comp Is a Right campaign) about what needs to be fixed in Ontario’s broken workers’ compensation system. We speak up for injured worker rights with submissions and street rallies, petitions, research , media action, workshops & conferences.
ONIWG groups in your community [Directory]

- offer peer support – meet other workers who face the same challenges that you do
- provide information on dealing with the compensation system
- give you an opportunity to join the fight for justice
What we are fighting towards!
- Reform of the Workers’ Compensation Act and Policy and a return to the founding principles.
- Dignity, Respect and Justice must be the foundation for a renewed Workers’ Compensation System
- An Act with the stated purpose to truly assist and compensate workers injured, made sick and disabled at work

Taking action – research, campaigns, information
A leader in the struggle against Bill 99, ONIWG continues to campaign for a just compensation system. With research, submissions and presentations, it documents those concerns and makes recommendations for the Legislative Assembly, Ministers and the WCB/WSIB. On the street, it is a key organizer in rallies to raise public awareness. Through press conferences and social media ONIWG shares the concerns and experiences of injured workers.
- Justice for Injured Workers Tour (2024 – ) follow details of the tour here
- Workers’ Comp is a Right campaign ONIWG launched its current campaign in 2017 calling for an end to some of the main methods by which the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board is cutting benefits and sending people into poverty. See WCIAR updates and action toolkit.
- Justice for Injured Workers Ride / Cyclothon Justice pour les accidentés du travail (2015-2018). Started by long-time injured worker activists Richard Hudon and Peter Page, annual bike rides across the province created opportunities for meeting fellow injured workers and advocates, and raising public awareness of key workers’ compensation concerns.
- “Justice for Injured Workers”newsletter ONIWG’s JFIW newspaper has been reporting to injured workers on the current state of Ontario’s workers’ compensation system since 2012 . Download the latest issue. (currently on hiatus)
- ONIWG Legal Defence Fund. ONIWG is asking injured workers to come forward and support a legal challenge against the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) in order to: bring in full cost of living protection for all injured workers’ benefits; provide pensions for workers with permanent disabilities; and eliminate the deeming system. Injured workers need real jobs and job security or full compensation
Research & analysis
ONIWG researches how the workers’ compensation affects injured workers’ experience and conditions. It does this through its Research Action Committee’s analyses of data and qualitative research and surveys (such as ONIWG’s Poverty Survey, 2012) documenting real-life financial, social and health impacts of work injury and dealing with the WSIB, .
As a partner organization in the Research Action Alliance on the Consequences of Work Injury (2006-2011) and the ongoing Bancroft Institute, ONIWG contributes valuable worker-focused research and evidence for the community and policy-makers.
Recent publications:
See a list of recent submissions, presentations, reports and press releases by ONIWG and by ONIWG-Research Action Committee.
For additional material by and about ONIWG, search the IWC Library catalogue.