“New Guelph-based organization aims to support workers injured on the job” / Jessia Lovell (Guelph Mercury, Jan. 31, 2018)
Last Friday a new injured workers group held its first meeting in the local UNIFOR hall on Silvercreek Parkway, Guelph. Among those attending the informal session were members of the Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups who spoke on the current Workers’ Comp Is A Right campaign. Local injured worker, Dave Curtis, was one of several sharing experiences of struggles with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board to receive just compensation. A snowplow driver injured on the job and still physically impaired, he was entitled to compensation benefits which have now been cut off by the Board (“they say I may have made an error in my paperwork”). While fighting to have his WSIB benefits restored, making ends meet on his Canada Pension Plan disability benefit is difficult…..
The new Group, formed to help injured workers stand up for their rights, learn about supports and resources, and meet other injured workers, aims to hold monthly meetings. For more information, go to www.iwwd.ca or email paul@iwwd.ca.