Once again for International RSI Awareness Day the Toronto injured worker community is organizing a workshop to discuss issues related to repetitive strain injuries and the workplace. This year the Conference is going to follow up on the WSIB benefit policies, hear about aging and work injuries, and explore the prevailing idea that “musculoskeletal injuries are declining.” Do decreasing stats, as discussed by the Institute for Work & Health recent study, prove that MSDs are declining ? Is the decline is caused by fewer injuries or the new WSIB policies that blame injuries on age and pre-existing conditions to deny treatment to injured workers? [download flyer]
The Conference will be held at the Steelworkers’ Hall, 25 Cecil St, Toronto from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (coffee and registration at 9:30 a.m.)
The event is free and includes lunch, but pre-registration is required for food planning – email registration@rsicanada.org or rsiawareness@gmail.com. The conference relies on donations provide a free conference available to all who wish to attend. If your union or group is able to help with a donation to cover the cost of food, please email donations@rsicanada.org.
**This is a scent-free event – please do not wear scented products.