February 28 marks the 20th anniversary of the International RSI Awareness Day. The annual event – established on the initiative of Ontario injured worker activist Catherine Fenech – aims to educate about repetitive strain injuries and their prevention. The cause of pain and suffering to thousands of Ontario workers each year, RSIs (also known as work-related musculoskeletal disorders), are far and away the number one occupational injury reported to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.
Once again the event is being celebrated in Toronto with a free, informative conference covering both health & safety and workers’ compensation aspects. The goal of this year’s conference: learning from the past and fighting for the future. Presentations include:
- 20 Years of RSI Day
- What Can We Learn From the Harris Years: Workers’ Compensation and Health & Safety
- Ministry of Labour and Musculoskeletal Disorder Prevention
- The New MSD Prevention Guideline
- Workers’ Comp is a Right, Not Charity
- OHCOW Online Ergonomic Tools
- Examining WSIAT’s Carpal Tunnel Discussion Paper
- Exoskeletons in Automotive Assembly
- MPP Wayne Gates, NDP Critic for Workers’ Compensation
Event details:
Date: Thursday February 28, 2019
Location: OPSEU Membership Centre, 31 Wellesley Street East, Toronto (Yonge & Wellesley opposite Wellesley Subway Station)
Time: 9:30 am -4:00 pm Registration & Coffee at 9:00 am
Cost: Free: including lunch, but pre-registration is required*
*In order to plan for food and space, please register by Monday Feb. 25, 2019 by emailing: rsiawareness@gmail.com or call (416) 461-2411. To be notified of updates on this or future events, please join the RSI Day Toronto mailing list at: http://eepurl.com/bcEN39
If your organization wishes to donate to cover the cost of the food, please email rsiawareness@gmail.com. All donations are appreciated.
Please note: **This is a “SCENT FREE, PEANUT & LATEX FREE location** Your strict adherence to this policy is appreciated.