“Silence on WSIB changes could be costly” / Willy Noiles (Viewmag.com) [article no longer available online]
Unions and injured workers across the province are crying foul over policy changes being proposed by the Board that would reduce benefits for workers injured on the job – and download the responsibility for paying for these injuries onto the tax base. ONIWG notes the proposals run contrary to the law and practice of the Board for the past 100 years; CUPE Ontario Fred Hahn makes it clear CUPE also will fight the changes vigorously, with every means available, including legal challenges. “It appears to us that the [Thomas] ‘consultations’ were simply a public relations’ exercise and the WSIB is forging ahead in its single–minded goal of reducing costs, at the expense of fair compensation. The unfunded liability is being resolved on the backs of injured workers,” said John McKinnon (IWC).