Thunder Bay IW Tuesday online info & advocacy session


Join Thunder Bay & District Injured Workers’ Support Group’s Tuesday weekly Zoom session from 10 a.m. to noon. Everyone welcome. Each session will wrap up with a focus on how we can take action on the topics of discussion.

We will be joined by members of the CUPE Ontario (Canadian Union of Public Employees) who are active as part of their union’s Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) and Injured Worker Advocacy Committees (IWAC). They will share some of their experiences and actions taken by CUPE.

CUPE and ONIWG have been meeting to share information and build connections that can strengthen our fight for a better workers compensation system.

Contact to be on the mailing list to get notices and the Zoom link for upcoming sessions. (This zoom link will be the same every Tuesday morning so you may want to save it to join where ever you are available.)

See webpage and facebook for regular updates: