Thunder Bay IW Tuesday online info & advocacy session


Join Thunder Bay & District Injured Workers’ Support Group’s Tuesday weekly Zoom session from 10 a.m. to noon. Everyone welcome. Each session will wrap up with a focus on how we can take action on the topics of discussion.

Topic: Opioid use by injured workers. The opioid crisis has had a devastating impact on so many in our country, including workers. To date, there has been limited evidence available on the connections of opioid-related harms to the workplace here in Canada. Nancy Carnide and Jeavana Sritharan will present the results from a collaborative project between the Institute for Work & Health and the Occupational Cancer Research Centre, aimed at understanding the occupational groups at highest risk for opioid-related harms among a cohort of injured workers in Ontario.

They will discuss the potential ways in which the workplace may be contributing to these harms, including the role of work-related injuries, but also the ways in which the workplace and other relevant parties may be able to contribute to reducing these harms among workers. They will also discuss some potential future research directions in this area and are interested to hear from workers about their own ideas of what research is needed on this topic.

Contact to be on the mailing list to get notices and the Zoom link for upcoming sessions. (This zoom link will be the same every Tuesday morning until December 17th so you may want to save it to join where ever you are available.)

See webpage and facebook for regular updates: