Letter asks the President of Workplace Safety and Insurance Board to use the Statistics Canada formulation (4.7%) rather than the 2.7% cost of living adjustment the WSIB has given injured workers.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Mr. Jeffery Lang, President & CEO, WSIB
Via email
Dear Mr. Lang,
I am writing you in response to the recent inflation indexing increase that injured workers received. The Stats Canada rate was 4.7% and yet injured workers received 2.7%.
We are asking that you absolve the formulations that the WSIB used and match Stats Canada’s rate of inflation, giving injured workers the 4.7% that represents the real rate of inflation. We look forward to your immediate action on this.
Yours truly,
Janet Paterson
cc. Hon. Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour
Ontario Network of Injured Workers
127 Ravenwood Ave.
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 4H7