As a recent OFL letter to the Minister of Labour points out, injured workers not covered under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act are put at risk financially.
What happens to those injured workers who are covered under Ontario’s workers’ compensation system but denied (or cut off) workers’ compensation? A proposed research project is looking at the issue of injured workers falling through the cracks and ending up going to welfare for help.
The project aims to examine the connection between disentitlement from WSIB benefits and receipt of Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) benefits among injured workers and to develop associated policy proposals and advocacy activities. All are welcome to participate in a roundtable discussion Friday Sept. 23 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to be held at ISAC Legal Clinic, 14th Floor-Room H1, 55 University Avenue (St Andrew subway station). RSVP Injured Workers’ Consultants (416) 461-2411.
Update: Join this live event using the live-stream link:
We will be monitoring the live-chat for comments. The event will be available afterwards on demand if you cannot join the live event.
Project partners: Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy, University of Waterloo Masters in Public Health Program, Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups, Injured Workers’ Consultants, Income Security Advocacy Centre and the Sudbury Community Legal Clinic.