On June 7th this year, injured workers, like all Ontarians, will have an opportunity to cast a vote for the next provincial government. We asked the major parties where they stand on Workers’ Compensation.
Whether you are an injured worker or an ally, we have produced this guide for you to know where each major party stands on the key issues facing those who have experienced injuries on the job, as well as anyone who may be injured in the future.
In March and April of this year, we sent background information about the issues along with a number of questions to the Liberal, New Democratic, Green, and Progressive Conservative parties. Each party got two followups by email or telephone. Deadlines were made clear, and extensions were granted to any party who asked for one. We have published their answers here, in the order in which they were received. Responses are edited only for length, but you can find links to the full package we sent the parties, as well as their full responses exactly as they were sent to us, below.
Over the last few years the problems with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) have received more public attention than ever. Injured workers know: the system is broken and it must be fixed. We wanted to know what each party plans to do to (or not do) to help repair the compensation system in Ontario.
To that end, we asked each party six questions about the most pressing issues facing injured workers today.
Whether you are an injured worker yourself, or you know someone who is – or you simply want to know that the compensation system will be there for you when and if you need it – we hope you will use this information to help inform your decision on June 7th.
- Where Do Parties Stand on Workers’ Comp? Party responses
- Questions and background sent to the parties
- Liberal Party full responses
- NDP full responses
- Green Party full responses
P.C. party did not respond