The upcoming 2016 Joint Conference (Nov. 3 & 4) of the Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups (ONIWG) and Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) presents two days of presentations and discussion on key concerns of injured workers and current developments in Ontario’s workers’ compensation. Find out what’s new and engage in calls for action. Topics on the agenda:
- looking back at 25 years of ONIWG activism – the victories and lessons learned
- work-related mental health conditions (PTSD & first responders – who’s covered, who’s not; gradual onset mental conditions – stress)
- role of health care providers in return to work
- measuring the poverty of injured workers
- updates on Board policy changes and significant appeal decisions
- status of current campaigns & reform challenges
All sessions and a banquet celebrating ONIWG’s 25th anniversary (Nov.3) will be held at the United Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil St, Toronto. Download Registration form for the conference and dinner.
Note: the Joint Conference is taking place in conjunction with the ONIWG Annual General Meeting (Nov. 2,3,5 – see AGM details) and the Workplace Health & Safety Centre Activists Appreciation Dinner (Nov. 4).