A heads up that if you’re looking for reliable information on common legal problems, Steps to Justice is a a good place to start. Developed by Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) with the support of many justice organizations, including legal aid clinics, Steps to Justice aims to help people understand their legal rights and take action. The website provides reliable, up-to-date answers in plain language to frequently asked questions on a wide variety of topics – from health and disability, abuse, criminal and family law, housing and debt/consumer issues, human rights, income assistance, to employment and work (including workers’ compensation).
It includes practical tools, such as checklists, fillable forms, and self-help guides, with referral information for legal and social services across Ontario that can provide additional personal help with specific or more complex issues.
(CLEO is also offering free workshops for front-line workers on how to use Steps to Justice. Please contact rebecca.stulberg@cleo.