An exciting program has been developed for the Conference that follows the Injured Workers Day rally and march – registration is filling fast so make sure you book your spot soon! The Joint Conference takes a frank look at present-day challenges and how we can strengthen today’s workers’ compensation system by genuinely respecting Meredith’s principles.
On the agenda: Monday afternoon Robert Storey updates his report on the province-wide Meredith hearings and current conditions for Ontario’s injured workers; a panel of well-known injured worker advocates discuss their views on “honouring 100 years of workers’ compensation“. In the evening: cash bar and dinner (provided), entertainment, auction. Tuesday morning (June 2) presenters from labour, the legal community and ONIWG take a look at key issues facing injured workers today and how to move from principles to action. The afternoon will be given over to a progress update on the several legal challenges.
- Download full agenda
- Download registration form (deadline is May 22)
All sessions will be held at the United Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil Street, Toronto