The Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups’ newspaper Justice for Injured Workers has been reporting to injured workers and their allies on the current state of Ontario’s workers’ compensation system since 2012.
Issue no. 14 (August. 2018) of ONIWG’s must-read newspaper is now available:
- Find details about ONIWG’s political action this past year. This includes a Provincial Organizing Campaign – Workers’ Compensation is a Right!– and the three main demands injured workers and their allies advocated for during the provincial election. They continue fighting for these demands today.
- Find out about the various groups in Ontario which offer peer support and how you can organize your own group in communities which do not have them.
- Read about the 4th Annual ONIWG Justice for Injured Workers Bike Ride held from Elliot Lake to Massey then to Sudbury, where a new Sudbury group was launched. The theme this year was Occupational Disease -the other workplace fatality.
- Read reports on June 1st Injured Workers Day, workers’ struggles for their rights to compensation due to occupational disease and informative interviews.
Download the PDF version or requests for paper copies can be made by contacting Peter Page, Coordinator, by email at or phone (905) 745-1003.
Send your correspondence, comments or current news, article and photos for the next issue, No. 15, to
Please note: Your support towards the costs of producing the newspaper is appreciated. Please send cheques/donations for the JFIW Newspaper to:
ONIWG Treasurer
Janet Paterson
127 Ravenwood Avenue
Thunder Bay ON P7B4H7