A message from the Canadian Injured Workers Alliance (CIWA) urging injured workers to fill in the survey and share the survey link through their contacts and personal social media sources:
The WSIB denied injured workers a supplement to assist with extra costs incurred because of COVID so this is an opportunity for us to share our experiences, in hopes that we will be remembered the next time.
We have extended our deadline date to May 28th for folks to complete the survey exploring the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Canadian Injured Workers
This survey will helps us not only to determine how injured workers have been impacted by the continuing Pandemic, but will also help us in finding information on how we will be able to push governments, agencies and organizations to assist with the challenges faced by injured workers.
Many have already disseminated information on the survey through their contacts and networks and we are asking if you would send out a reminder.
Here is the direct link for the survey to pass on to your contacts…
Thank you for your help in sharing this. Please note the extended deadline. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact CIWA at ciwa@tbaytel.net
Janet Paterson