WSIB 101 – Know your rights workshop 2: longer term injuries


The Injured Workers Community Legal Clinic (IWC) invites you to the Know Your Rights Workshop on November 30th at 11am. After our first Know Your Rights Workshop on how to navigate WSIB, we heard your feedback: you want more workshops, and would like events that focus on specific topics.

WORKSHOP 2: What happens if I have a longer term injury and am unable to work?

After a quick rundown of WSIB benefits overall (What benefits am I entitled to? How do I get them? etc.), we will focus on:

  • Loss of Earrings Benefits (such as long term benefits recalculations, cost of living increases)
  • Non-Economic Loss Benefits (what do I get once it is determined my injury is permanent?)
  • Healthcare Benefits (how long can I keep getting coverage for treatment and medications?)
  • Loss of Retirement Income Benefits (what are they? how do I get them?)

We know how complex the system is, and how it often leaves injured workers in the dark. Throughout the workshop, we will hear from experts as they guide injured workers on the different procedures, forms, benefits and timelines, after an injury from the workplace.

We will also give you information and invite you to join in a University of Waterloo study on injured worker poverty in retirement years.

You can attend in-person or virtually (zoom). If you plan to attend – online or in person – we ask that you RSVP by clicking HERE or this link:
The in-person workshop will be at the IWC office: 815 Danforth Avenue, suite 411, Toronto.

**Note: this workshop does not provide 1-on-1 case advice, though it will include information about where you can find that**