Women of Inspiration online public meeting on universal coverage


Did you know that nearly a quarter of Ontario workers are not even covered by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) if they get hurt at their workplace? (the highest percentage of any Canadian workers’ compensation system). The Women of Inspiration invite you to join them in making a plan to tell the government that all workers need protection from injury at work! Women of Inspiration Zoom public meeting on universal coverage June 27 from 2-3 pm

The event will feature participation from Janice Martell of the McIntyre Powder Project, who will use the lessons she has learned in her successful fight with WSIB to help us brainstorm how to get our elected representatives to listen.

Event date: Monday, June 27th
Time: 2-3pm

The event will take place on Zoom. Join the event by following this link https://tinyurl.com/UniversalCoverageJune27