ONIWG Reconnect Zoom meeting


Building ONIWG’s presence
Zoom invite to ONIWG Reconnect meeting May 3  from  7:00 – 9:00 p.m.   Join meeting here

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Upcoming: Election June 2 – make your voice count!

Thoughts for discussion:

  • Cost of living for injured workers this January 1st was 2.7% while rate of inflation is 4.7%
  • WSIB surplus returned to employers; this was money received from good investments according to the WSIB
  • NDP platform promises an end to deeming and removal of WSIB requirement to return surplus to employers
  • Conservatives say they will look at increasing rate to 90% of net earnings from 85%
  • Costs to an injured / ill worker and their family when they are told to appeal and then win at the WSIAT years later