OHCOW Day of Mourning webinar: migrant farm workers


Multi-faceted: shining light on worker deaths to learn & prevent in future: marking National Day of Mourning for Injured & Killed Workers* to identify vulnerability, understand roles & responses, & consider strategies

This 2 hour workshop will mark the 36th Day of Mourning for workers killed and injured on the job through the lens of nine international agricultural worker (IAW) deaths during the pandemic, from the perspectives of investigators, regulators and researchers, to gain an understanding of roles, approaches and practices, the complexity of issues, planned future initiatives, as well as a broader dialogue on vulnerability and prevention.
Agenda includes:

  • Key Findings and Recommendations from a Study of Coroner’s Files of Migrant Agricultural Workers’ Deaths in Ontario from January 2020 to June 2021
  • Deputy Chief Coroner’s review: COVID-19 related deaths of temporary foreign agricultural workers in 2020
  • Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skill Development: Roles, Response, and Vulnerability protection initiatives

Link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/multi-faceted-shining-light-on-worker-deaths-to-learn-prevent-in-future-registration-324158967197