OHCOW’s 5th annual event highlights the latest scientific and clinical information on the link between work and illness, as well as investigating recent evidence for all three levels of prevention: primary (exposure control before impact); secondary (early detection/recognition and treatment/control); and tertiary (work/disease recognition for compensation, further research & future exposure control). Multiple approaches to prevention, especially the dissemination of information to understand the hazards, and tools to assist workplaces in managing them, will be featured.
Cost: In Person $20.00; Webinar – Free (but limited spaces)
For more information or to register, go to this link.
8:00am Registration & Networking
8:30 Welcome
8:40 Recognizing and understanding the impact of Multiple Exposures, Dr. P. Demers, Occupational Cancer Research Centre (OCRC)
9:35 Hazard Assessment & Communication Tools:
• HazardAssess National Survey and App Intro, John Oudyk, OHCOW
• CHAP Chemical Hazard Assessment Protocol, Dr. Desre Kramer & Dr. Thomas Tenkate, Ryerson University
• NIOSH/HSE Exposure/Control Banding, Dr. Kevin Hedges, OHCOW
10:15 Ontario Occupational Disease Action Plan (ODAP) Update, Val Wolfe, OHCOW
10:45 Break to Stretch & Mingle
11:00 Emerging OD Lessons from the McIntyre Powder Project:
• Particles, Overload, Lung & Heart Disease, Andrew Zarnke, OHCOW
• A New Lens on the Research, Dr. Tee Guidotti, Occupational & Environmental Health & Medicine
11:45 Cluster Updates: GE, Ventra & Rubber Worker Projects, Dave Wilken, OHCOW
12:00pm Networking Lunch
12:45 Exploring integrating occupational exposure in the modernization of the Chemicals Management Plan, TBD, Health Canada
1:15 Getting the picture – Improving Canadian Exposure Data, Dr. Hugh Davies, Canadian Workplace Exposure Database & UBC
1:45 Occupational Medicine Insights:
• Atlantic PATH Study: Work & Prostate Cancer, Dr. Anil Adisesh, St. Michael’s
• HAVS incidence, causation & prevention, Dr. Ron House, St. Michael’s Hospital
• Patch Test Database patterns of interest, Dr. Linn Holness, CREOD
2:45 Break to Stretch & Mingle
3:00 Healthy Workers in Healthy Workplaces, Dr. Leon Genesove, MOL
3:20 Ontario Prevention Strategy Update, William Roy, MOL
3:30 Farewell & Safe Travels!