“No evidence” report launch & organizing discussion


In a followup to its Bad Medicine report, IAVGO Community Legal Clinic is launching  No Evidence: a Report on the Decision-Making of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board –  “The WSIB claims that drastic reductions in benefits costs are the result of improved “return to work and recovery” programs. The 2016 decisions of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal tell a different and troubling story. Appeals Tribunal decision-makers have commented that the WSIB’s decisions are “unreasonable” in ignoring the “unanimous opinions” of doctors, are based on “not a single word of medical or other reliable evidence”, and would place the worker at “medical risk”…. ”

The launch and organizing discussion will be held at IAVGO on Wednesday, June 28, 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm.  RSVP by June 26 to b_berroc@lao.on.ca or phone (416)924-6477.