Disability and Work in Canada 2020 Virtual Conference will be held over 4 days, November 25 & 26 and December 1 & 2, from 12:30-3:30 EDT.
The theme for this year’s conference is the “Strategy in Action—Pathways and Impacts”, with subthemes for each day as follows:
Wednesday November 25, 2020 – The Big Picture–Challenges and Opportunities
Thursday November 26, 2020 – Progress in the Workplace
Tuesday December 1, 2020 – Strengthening Supports for Workers
Wednesday December 2, 2020 – Moving Forward Together
To register, click here (DWC2020 registration website / https://reg.unityeventsolutions.com/se/DWCVC2020/ATT/EN/process.aspx?ut_SGU=1FF52E0D-4BCD-4778-9669-32A3D3E6AD1D&ut_CST=BC1A08EA-6700-4D55-872A-68FA297E36B0). The deadline for the early bird rate is November 10th.