Bancroft Institute workshop – Workers’ compensation & poverty

| Victoria College, University of Toronto / Polish Combatants Association Hall (Branch 20)

In its Fall session, the Bancroft Institute is holding a Research to Action Workshop Oct. 22 – Oct. 23 examining “Workers’ Compensation and Poverty: What does the research show?”.


    • Day 1 (Thursday, Oct. 22, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. ; location: Victoria College, Room 206, University of Toronto 91 Charles Street West). Two keynote speakers – Wayne Lewchuk (School of Labour Studies, McMaster University) and Karen Messing (Département des sciences biologiques, Université du Québec à Montréal) will address the use and abuse of research.
    • Day 2 (Friday, Oct. 23, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. ; location: Polish Combatants Association Hall (Branch 20) 206 Beverley Street, Toronto). The workshop sessions will cover understanding and exposing injured worker poverty.

For full details and map, download flyer.

Registration is required. RSVP to Registration fee is $100 for the waged, $50 for students and free for the unwaged (tokens also provided for the unwaged). Cheque payable in advance or at the door to Bancroft Institute (IWC).

Please avoid wearing scents or fragrances when attending the workshop