2022 Election town hall – injured workers’ rights


Injured Workers Action for Justice (IWA4J) and Justicia – Justice for Migrant Workers (J4MW) invite you to an online provincial-wide all-candidates meeting with all political parties. The focus will be on getting a better handle on each party’s platform on injured workers’ rights.
Time: Saturday, May 28, 2022, 11:00 AM – 1 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Please register now: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIoce2grjwqE9cv2kSpYXFOBHeePUJiT0QI
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Questions to consider:
What is each party’s position on protecting injured workers’ rights and the workers’ compensation system?
How can each party support racialized communities and protect workers in precarious workplaces?
How will each party address the systemic barriers to access justice for injured workers?

Confirmed candidates:
Eric Depoe, Ontario NDP, Hastings-Lennox and Addington
Nicki Ward, Green Party of Ontario ,Toronto Centre
Ontario Liberal & PC: TBC

There will be a Q & A session for the attendees. You can ask your questions during the session, or email Sang-Hun Mun your questions in advance by Friday, May 27.