Workers compensation
This past Monday advocates from Thunder Bay & District Injured Workers Support Group (TBDIWSG) released The Meredith Act, 2025, proposed legislation to replace the current Workplace Safety and Insurance Act. Developed by the TBDIWSG over the past year together with the…
IWC shares first episode of new podcast InjuredWorkerCast
Now available – the first episode of InjuredWorkerCast, a podcast produced by Injured Workers Community Legal Clinic that captures conversations about workers compensation, health and safety across the province and beyond. The podcast aims to give voice to injured worker stories and…
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Who killed Sir William?
The recently released Who Killed Sir William delivers an engrossing, frank appraisal of a community-university research alliance (CURA) project, the Research Action Alliance on the Consequences of Work Injury (RAACWI) from its origins in 2003 to completion in 2012. The collaborative project,…
Watch public hearings on Bill 149 changes to workers’ compensation
The Ontario Government has recently introduced Bill 149, which it calls the Working for Workers Four Act, 2023. It is proposing changes to a number of labour laws, including the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, which makes the rules for how…
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Remembering Dr Ron Ellis
As we move into the new year, the legal and injured worker community continue to honour the memory and achievements of engineer, labour lawyer, arbitrator, teacher and legal scholar Dr Ron Ellis. His lifelong work promoting fairness in administrative justice and workers’…
A new resource for B.C.’s injured workers
IWRAP (Injured Workers Research & Advocacy Project) has just launched a new website ( for injured workers, their advocates and a better compensation system in B.C. Spearheaded by lawyer and workers’ compensation expert Janet Patterson and endorsed by the B.C.…
A serious anniversary on Halloween : 110 years of workers’ compensation law
On October 31st, while our children and grandchildren trick or treat, injured and ill workers will be remembering Chief Justice William Meredith’s report to the Ontario Legislature that created our workers’ compensation system. This was the first piece of social legislature, preceding…
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40 years ago, over 3,000 injured workers gathered…
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… on the lawn at Queen’s Park outside the Legislative Assembly. Why? In 1980 the Conservative government launched a government inquiry, led by Harvard professor Paul Weiler, into Ontario’s workers’ compensation system.
Although injured worker groups had…
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What do the KPMG recommendations on WSIB appeals process mean for injured workers?
Following a community consultation, Thunder Bay and District Injured Workers Support Group and Injured Workers’ Community Legal Clinic have called for a meeting with the Ombudsman to address the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board’s response to key recommendations made by the KPMG …
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What does a “fair hearing” mean to you?
As we move out of pandemic precautions and back into a face to face world, the tribunals that make major decisions in our lives – workers compensation, human rights, social assistance, evictions, and others – are wondering what format to use for…